
  • Lidya Rachmatinna Udayana University



Conflict, Main Character, Psychological Conflict


Conflicts are defined as situations in which two or more parties believe their aims and or interests are in direct conflict with one another and act on that belief. This research examines how fictional characters could reflect our daily life deducted from a movie called “A Copy of My Mind” by Joko Anwar the main character named Sari. Psychological conflict theory would be applied to classifying the main character's utterance toward other characters that are classified into types that have occurred. The method and technique of collecting data is watching the film, note taking, comprehensive analysis, and grouping the data. A theory of psychological conflict by Kurt Lewin would be applied to answer conflicts that the main character has experienced; the method and technique of analyzing data is qualitative descriptive by secondary data. There are Approach-Approach Conflicts, Avoidance-Avoidance Conflicts, Approach-Avoidance Conflicts, and Double-Approach Avoidance Conflicts. Instead of feeling remorse, she changes her mind, tempting but when looking at the consequences it is not worth it, she changes her mind by replying with the opposite reaction, when Alex assures her to look inside her bag, she refused his suspicion that she is the thief but she has no choice but to choose. Avoidance-Avoidance Conflict is the most frequently occurs by the main character toward other characters. When an individual is confronted with two desired options but only one can be acquired, the approach-approach conflict would arise, in opposition to the avoidance-avoidance conflict to flee or avoid two bad options.


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