deixis, pasambahan manjapuik marapulai, pragmaticAbstract
This paper aims to reveal deixis used in the text of Pasambahan Manjapuik Marapulai in Solok city 'Pasambahan to pick up the bridegroom in Solok city’. The use of deixis in pasambahan is not the same as the use of deixis in everyday language. Pasambahan is one of the traditional ceremonies in Minangkabau which is conducted in dialogue between two parties, namely between the host and the guest. In the dialogue, the honorific greeting is often used because both parties (the prospective anak daro and the prospective marapulai) both respect and honor the speech partner. This research is a qualitative descriptive study with a phenomenological approach. The research data consisted of primary data, secondary data, and researcher intuition. Data collection methods are direct participatory observation methods (direct, participatory observation); method of open and in-depth interviews (in-depth, open-ended interviews); focus-group discussion; written documents. The results of this study indicate that in TPMM it is found four types of deixis, namely personal deixis, place deixis, discourse deixis, and social deixis.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Eriza Nelfi, Iman Laili, Zulfian Elfiando
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