
  • Wedhowerti Sanata Dharma University



Contrastive Analysis, Contextual Analysis, Adverb, Semantic Domain


This study aims to provide a clear picture of adverbs well through contrastive and contextual analyses in an effort to overcome translation problems. This study employs a semantic approach and is qualitative in nature. The data were collected in a purposive manner from The Little Oxford Thesaurus and the analysis was made into two phases, contrastive and contextual ones. There is a close relationship among the meanings of well in contrastive analysis, i.e. when it is contrasted with words (fast, thoroughly, carelessly, harshly, and nearly) of the same semantic domain and of the same level and in contextual analysis, i.e. when it is used in different contexts. The results of the analyses show that there are four semantic domains namely progress, manner, degree, and distance shared by both analyses. In other words, the meaning of well in the contrastive analysis is related to its meaning in the contextual analysis by means of four features, i.e. manner, distance, degree, and progress where manner occupies the highest percentage of the occurrence.


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