Chinese Lunar New Year, greetings, emotion, P.SantangeloAbstract
Gong xi facai is a Chinese New Year greeting that is commonly spoken, heard, and written by people. Even if we don't know what it means, we guess the meaning must be good. The problem is what is the meaning of each word and the meaning of the sentence as a whole so that it can be concluded that the sentence is an expression of a joyful? Are there no other feelings? Since the sentence is considered a text, it will be examined which words express emotion, what kind of emotions they are. The goal is to express clearly what is meant by that sentence. To find out what kind of emotions it contains, Santangelo's theory (2000) will be used to detect which words express emotion and belong to which class. The data are Chinese Lunar New Year greetings written in Han characters. There is Indonesian-language data in the form of Chinese New Year pantun. Based on the analysis of the meaning components of emotions, the data are classified into several domains, such as Chinese New Year greeting, success in business, health, family, education, etc. The novelty of this research is to analyze the meaning components of emotional sentences so that emotional content can be identified precisely. This research will enrich research on emotions in the field of greetings for the Chinese New Year that has not been done much.
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