The Level of Reading Comprehension, Narrative text, Barrett TaxonomyAbstract
Students are expected to have strong reading comprehension skills to face the Industrial Revolution 4.0. This article reports the study results on measuring the students' reading comprehension level when reading a narrative text in one of the senior high schools in Padang using Barrett's taxonomy. Two hundred and eighty students of the eleventh grade of the science program were involved in this study. They had learned narrative text in the tenth grade. Eighty students were chosen as the samples using cluster random sampling. They were put into two classes. This is a descriptive quantitative study that uses tests and questionnaires as research instruments. The study results show that the average of the students' scores was 64.525, classified as in the good category. The students were categorized well in responding to questions in the form of appreciation level. This study also discovered that students have difficulties in answering questions from evaluation levels.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Annisa Krismadayanti, Yetti Zainil
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