
  • Rivo Raihan Postgraduate Study Program Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Yetty Morelent Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Temmy Thamrin



politeness principles, social media, Youtube


Language is a symbol that allows humans to continue to communicate with each other. One of the ways humans communicate during the industrial revolution 4.0 is by using social media. Youtube is one of the most popular social media in the world, including in Indonesia. The freedom to speak makes some people lose control so they violate the language politeness principle. The purpose of this study is to describe the form and analyze the causes of violations from the politeness principle in the comments column of the CNN Indonesia channel and KOMPASTV social media Youtube. The theories used in this study were about language (Kridalaksana, 2010), pragmatics (Nadar, 2013), language politeness (Chaer, 2010), politeness principles (Leech, 1993), cooperative principles (Grice, 1981), and language dissonance (Pranowo, 2009). The type of research used was descriptive qualitative research. The data sources used are comments from the comments column of CNN Indonesia and KOMPASTV channels on Youtube social media. The data collection technique used in this study was to collect data in the form of video information including titles, sources, and comments. The validity of the data was tested by using triangulation. Data analysis techniques used were entering data in the research table to be classified, looking for causes and backgrounds of violations, analyzing data, and concluding research results. Based on the results of data analysis on the comments column of CNN Indonesia and KOMPASTV channels on Youtube social media, there were 54 data with 69 deviations from the maxim of politeness in language, the violation of the maxims were as follows; the violation of generosity maxim, agreement maxim, sympathy maxim, and tact maxim. The causes of the violation were; (1) maximizing respect, (2) less maximizing agreement, (3) less maximizing sympathy, and (4) less maximizing the loss of others. The reasons behind these politeness violations were (1) the way of submitting comments was not good, (2) using words that were not needed, (3) submitting comments without valid data, and (4) the statements submitted were irrelevant to the topic being discussed. Meanwhile, comments that did not violate the rules were dominated by comments from netizens who provide suggestions and prayers. It was concluded that some netizens in the comments column of the CNN Indonesia channel and the Youtube social media KOMPASTV were still violating language politeness.


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