
  • Izhatullaili University of Indonesia
  • Dewi Puspita Universitas Indonesia
  • Hermina Sutami University of Indonesia



positive emotions, negative emotions, memaafkan (to forgive)


The main character of the novel Hujan dan Teduh named Bintang reflects his always forgiving attitude. The concept of forgiveness is manifested through the words maaf (forgiveness or forgive), memaafkan (to forgive), maafin (forgive in colloquial Indonesian), and dimaafkan (to be forgiven) and exists in many cultures, both in Indonesia and elsewhere. The purpose of this study was to determine the kind of emotion or state of mind the word maaf is included is based on the five classes of emotion from Santangelo (1995) and to construct the component parameter of meaning from that word based on its class using Nida's theory (1975). The results of this study will reveal that the concept of forgiveness in Indonesian culture can contain various emotions. The significance of this research is to enrich the repertoire of research in the field of emotion especially associated with the concept of forgiveness for the people of Indonesia. This study focuses on the analysis of the state of mind and thoughts expressed in the novel Hujan dan Teduh. The theory used to perform the analysis is Santangelo's emotional theory. The data is in the form of the word maaf (forgiveness or forgive), memaafkan (to forgive), maafin (forgive in colloquial Indonesian), and dimaafkan (to be forgiven). To obtain the expression of the state of mind which is reflected in the four data words, the classification of data into the types of emotions based on the context that accompanies it is performed. This research uses the literature method and the results of the analysis are descriptive qualitative.


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