monolingual, translanguageing, second language, acquisition.Abstract
The current research paper deals with the strategy of translanguaging using Jim Cummins’ Common Underlying Proficiency Model (1991). This research has made use of descriptive, explanatory designs to interpret the observations of a language class following the CUP Model (Cummins, 1991). Moreover, this research is qualitative in its approach, as it systematically answers the research questions. However, much focus has been paid to the monolingual education system in Pakistan, but the strategy of translanguaging has hardly attracted any wide range of research attention; so, the current research aims to fill up the research gap by highlighting the role of translanguaging in the acquisition of the second language. Finally, the research assignment has concluded rightly that translanguaging plays a very important role in acquiring the English language (L2) by drawing upon the learners’ ‘common underlying proficiency’ (Cummins, 1991).
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